Mitsubishi Trades Tropical Timber!

  • av: nicole hopkins
  • mottagare: Minoru Makihara, President, Mitsubishi Corporation
Boycott Mitsubishi, they trade timber and is hense one of the worst corporate destroyers of the rain forest.

Mitsubishi trades tropical timber from Malassia, Borneo, and other countries where nearly 60 percent of rainforests are located. Also boycott members of Mitsubishi, these include Mitsubishi Motors, Mitsubishi Electric, Kirin Beer, and Nikon camera equip. Bank of California and Mitsubishi Bank. Let Mitsubishi know that you want them to stop!

SIGN Below and tell them that you vow to boycott them until they stop!

We the undersigned have learned that you, Mitsubishi, trade tropical timber from Malassia, Borneo, and other countries where nearly 60 percent of rainforests are located.

We promise to boycott members of Mitsubishi, these include Mitsubishi Motors, Mitsubishi Electric, Kirin Beer, and Nikon camera equip. Bank of California and Mitsubishi Bank until you cease this practice.

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