Beyond Retaliation: A Call for Nonviolence

A call for a nonviolent, nonretaliatory response to the World Trade Center and US Pentagon tragedies; an affirmation of our freedom and power to choose nonviolence; and a commitment to support the nonviolent resolution of conflict within our local communities.
Beyond Retaliation: A Call For Peace and Nonviolence

Not must we ever do evil, that good might come of it. -- William Penn

In the aftermath of the recent World Trade Center Towers and U.S. Pentagon disaster, we, the undersigned, offer our sincere and heartfelt condolences to all those whose lives have been touched by this unprecedented tragedy.

We also affirm our deeply held conviction that retaliation and revenge can never resolve conflict, and will only perpetuate continuing cycles of violence and terrorism.

In addition, we believe that both violence and nonviolence are learned behaviors, and we commit to promoting peace and fostering justice by moving beyond the impulse to retaliate, and by teaching -- and demonstrating -- the power of nonviolence.

Moreover, we resolve to support peaceful, humane, and nonviolent means of conflict resolution locally, within our own communities, and we urge governmental leaders -- in the United States and throughout the world -- to lead by peaceful example and to adopt nonviolent, nonretaliatory measures in responding to any/all acts of domestic and international violence.

The Undersigned
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