Tell Congress to Increase Global Nutrition Funding

President Trump's annual budget request was recently released, and the White House has proposed a 24 percent slash to humanitarian and development aid funding for Fiscal Year 2020.

These deep, disproportionate cuts will negatively affect U.S. humanitarian and development programs run by the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in countries around the world. Specifically, these cuts would impact food aid and disaster assistance, nutrition programs, food security programs, maternal and child health, and development assistance that fuels global programs for poverty reduction, education, agricultural production, and more.

As the White House put forth these sharp cuts, the State/Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee in the House of Representatives held a hearing where organizations including Action Against Hunger testified in support of strong funding for international affairs. We urged Congress to increase funding for the nutrition account to $250 million. This increase would allow for the scaling up of successful nutrition interventions to help save more lives.

We now need you to add your voice to ours to ensure that Congress will take immediate action.

Sign this petition if you agree that Congress needs to keep up the bipartisan tradition of leading humanitarian and development work around the world. Don't cut humanitarian aid funding!

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