Thank President Obama for Standing up to Polluters!

  • av: Sierra Club
  • mottagare: President Barack Obama, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson
Last week, the Obama Administration stood strong against big polluters and delivered an updated safeguard cracking down on dangerous soot pollution.

The new soot standard will require power plants to reduce their dangerous emissions, protecting Americans in communities from coast to coast and saving billions of dollars in health costs every year.

Winning this soot safeguard was the best kind of victory: the kind that makes future victories more likely... but only if President Obama and the EPA know that we appreciate how tough it can be to fight big polluters -- and that we're all in this fight together.
Subject: Thank you for your leadership on soot protections

Dear President Obama and Administrator Jackson,

On behalf of myself and thousands of other Sierra Club supporters, thank you for moving forward with new safeguards against dangerous soot pollution. Tens of thousands of Americans will breathe easier because of this decision.

The real cost of fossil fuels isn't measured in dollars -- it's measured in damage to our communities, our health, and our planet. Safeguards like this one make it clear that the American people cannot be expected to shoulder this enormous burden so that giant industries can continue raking in record profits.

Thank you again for your leadership.
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