Protect the Wolves of Norway

Wolves of Norway are near extinction. One family survives. We ask the government of Norway to protect these few remaining wolves and to allow a viable population to develop within carefully monitored wolf sanctuaries in Norway’s national parks.

The Norwegian wolf is being hunted to
extinction. Repeated
government-sanctioned hunts, as well as illegal killings, and other
various interventions of Man have driven the wolf population down to only one
very vulnerable family - only one mated pair suitable for breeding remains as of the
Spring of 2005.

We ask the government of Norway to protect these few remaining wolves and
to allow a viable population to develop within carefully monitored wolf
sanctuaries in Norway’s
national parks. Electronic transmitters
and collars have proven effective in keeping wolves within their allotted range
elsewhere in the world.

Wolves are an essential part of a
balanced natural environment. Studies
show they cull elk/moose and other species to produce stronger and healthier
populations. Wolves also increase plant
biodiversity by limiting the number of animals feeding on vegetation.

The wolf is a symbol of freedom, wisdom,
family, and the fierce individualism that is characteristic of the Norwegian
people. The wolf is not our enemy. We cannot allow the wolves of Norway to be

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