Demand that the 1992 approved Investment with the Pottawatomie County Jail building built in 1993 discloser gets posted on Emma a year early instead of 10 days until maturity

  • av: Jarron Sanders
  • mottagare: Board of County Commissioners of Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma

The assets wanted are the county jails doors to be given to those who paid the $7145 and got approved for a door.  My family invested LIFE in Calculus $7145 for me to be given control over the assets of P.C.P.S.C.T jail door Q4. That is where my receipt for my Royal Mint Coin making mechanism has been hidden for 28 years now every since back when i was approved to become Homecoming King for the Oklahoma, Lexington Bulldogs while on a commission using my Secret service sername "Bell" #10 in 1992.

I was supposed to be given a talent of Gold that we buried in a casket at the cemetery that I have forgotten the location too that is underneath some monuments in the casket somewhere in Oklahoma in connection with micro chip memory card shaped jail room Q4. ( The Receipt for the Royal coin mint making mechanism with my name on the recipe was welded shut inside door Q4 Inside a flat OU football that belongs to US1 Jarron Sanders 1992's approved LIFE in calculus $7145 fixed income Muni bond investor!

I want them to re locate these jail doors to a more friendly location so we can extract our receipts that are supposed to give us With instructions on how to make coins inside the bean hole of these jail doors.  Im asking that they contact all investors early in 2020. Companies issued Enterprise Funds in the form of checks, and charge cards are all up in Qpod internally inside those jail doors, and they need to be extracted from the jails doors with a graphite steel disc. By us the approved $7145 Bond investors!

We need to relocate these jail doors somewhere we can be comfortable making our stocks of Gold Coins without jail inmates, and D.O.C officers over populating the building. 

So I'm  asking  the board of County Commissioners of Pottawatomie County to please contact me with information on the 1992 bonds they sold us to pay for the construction company contracts with my grandfathers company (Sanders Construction) to build the jails doors, bed racks, toilets, dooor handles, and mirrors!!


US1 Jarron Sanders,
and all other names used on my USSR- UKUFCDCI Guinness World Records ID I'm supposed to get in 2022 when the bond is matured

P.s. As a child I read a department handbook about "pending season annual life clocks" and from what I understand my 120 seasons bond -+ life in calculus  $7145 bond guarantees me until 120 of age. When that bond matures, and stops drawing interest in the next 2 years I wanna eventually be approved for another bond where do I pay for this type of deposit on a new bond, and at what location?

The Pottawatomie County Jail is a medium-security detention centerlocated in Shawnee, Oklahoma and was built in 1993.
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