ELEPHANTS ARE BEING KILLED BY TRAINS! The India Government... Build A Elephant Corridor on the Madukarai Railway Line!

The Elephants of Madukarai, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, are being killed by speeding trains. The elephants must cross these tracks to follow their ancient path that they have in their memory, as they have followed this path for generations. Now the City has developed and taken over these ancient path's. In order to save many lives, these Elephants must have a Corridor Bridge over the tracks, so they can cross safely. Many Elephants are being killed in this area. It is the area near the foot hills near the forest. We ask that the Minister of Railways reduce the speed of the trains to not exceed 20kmph. We would also like that the Corridor be named The MAHARAJ Elephant Corridor. In Memory and Tribute to the Elephant that was captured, and killed from this area. This was his area. Where he and his herd roamed......
Thank you for helping to Save Our Precious Elephants!

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