Demand the End to the Unethical Treatment of Ducks and Geese by Upholding the Verdict Banning the Sale of Foie Gras in New York State

    Hudson Valley Foie Gras and La Belle Farms; two major Foie Gras producers in New York State are challenging the current law banning the sale of Foie Gras in New York State. We are asking Judge J. Machelle Sweeting, New York County Supreme (Index Number 656399/2022) to uphold the original verdict which will go into effect on November 25, 2022.
    Foie Gras is a cruel practice which causes enormous suffering for Ducks and Geese. It is produced by driving a 10 to 12 inch metal pipe down the tube of the bird’s throat to insert large amounts of concentrated grain, fat and compressed air into their stomach. This process is done up to three times per day to induce fatty liver disease. These birds do not deserve the unimaginable pain and suffering that they endure on a daily basis. Demand compassion over greed by signing this petition. Thank you.
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