Military Dogs Deserve a Safe Retirement After Service - Not a Brutal Death!

41 military working dogs were killed  in 2018 in the UK. After years of service to their country, instead of being allowed to spend some time resting in a new home with all the luxuries of a normal life, they were put down.

Some, allegedly, for health problems. Others, because they were deemed "unfit" for a home. But the process and the standards applied are unknown - could these dogs not have been given a chance for rehabilitation and rehoming? Could they not have been kept in a safe environment while a suitable place was found?

With all the dogs that are bred and bought every year, finding a solution for 41 of those that actually worked for a country, should be mandatory.

Military working dogs must not be killed!

We ask that the government and national administrations invest more resources in caring for the dogs that worked for the protection and security of a country, not only when they are in service but especially afterwards. They should guarantee a dignified life and a safe haven for them when they finish their gruelling service.

Stop killing dogs!

Photo credit: ♪_Lisa_♪

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