Mayor of Kozani Municipality murder 4 innocent dogs: Condemn the atrocious actions of the Mayor and Vice-mayor

  • av: EPYZO
  • mottagare: The President of Greek Parliament, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court of Appeal, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Court of First Instance of Kozani Prefecture

They murdered healthy and innocent Rottweilers in the Municipality of Kozani
We condemn the cruel murder of 4 Rottweilers by the Mayor of Kozani Mr. Ioannidis and the Vice-Mayor Mrs Tasopoulou as well as the vet and any other liable person who proceeded to this lousy action. Their decision was absolutely illegal, immoral, arbitrary, illogical and irrational.
The animal welfare communities had asked repeatedly with registered written requests to take over the dogs according to the Law. But they preferred to take their life, as long as they would not be given to the Animal Welfare Association Aggizoo and EPYZO. These 4 dogs had no involvement to the tragic event, they were innocent and non-aggressive in accordance with the municipality trainer’s expert opinion and others’, who knew the dogs for a long time.
We ask the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court of Appeal, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Court of First Instance of Kozani to do their duty and condemn these actions. We ask the House Speaker Mr. Voutsis to condemn the atrocious actions of the Mayor and Vice-mayor.

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