Tell Congress: My America Doesn't Torture!

Since the War on Terror began in 2001, detainees in the “care” of American forces have been urinated on, doused with phosphoric acid, sodomized with batons, had their lungs forcibly filled with water, shipped abroad to even more brutal regimes, and so much worse.

That's not my America.  My America Doesn't Torture!

A growing group of legislators is fighting to do the right thing.  A vote on their American Anti-Torture Act would restore our ideals and our reputation in the world – and would identify proponents of torture in Congress for all voters to see.  We must ensure that no Administration – present or future – allow torture to disgrace us again. 

More co-sponsors are urgently needed to force a vote in time.  Will you act today?

Subject: My America Doesn't Torture!

Dear [Decision Maker],

I support the passage of the American Anti-Torture Act (H.R. 4114) and strongly urge you to not only co-sponsor this legislation but to promote it and recruit more co-sponsors. We must ensure that no Administration, present or future, allow torture to disgrace us again.

The use of torture presents one of the gravest violations of human rights and American ideals we have ever endured. All forms of torture, including waterboarding and extraordinary renditions, are abhorrent and have no place in the United States. Furthermore, torture is not effective as an interrogation technique and its use makes us less safe by promoting a negative image of the U.S. in the world abroad.

Since the War on Terror began in 2001, detainees in the "care" of American forces have been urinated on, doused with phosphoric acid, sodomized with batons, had their lungs forcibly filled with water, shipped abroad to even more brutal regimes, and so much worse. That's not my America.

Please do the right thing. Beyond the moral imperative to act, I am your constituent, and I am stating firmly today: My America doesn't torture!

[Your Comments]

Thank you for taking a stand on this important issue.


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