Volunteers, RPCV's and Friends & Family of Guyana Support Kumar Lakhavani

Kumar has been wrongly fired and he needs our support so that he can continue the wonderful job he has been doing since his arrival.
We, as volunteers, RPCV's, friends and family of Guyana volunteers and
the country of Guyana, fully support Kumar Lahkavani as Country
Director of the Peace Corps Guyana program. Collectively, we feel the
Mr. Lakhavani is an inspiration to volunteers, has provided
unmeasurable support to the Peace Corps Guyana volunteer community and
feel that we will only succeed under his continued leadership.

ask that you reconsider your measures asking Mr. Lakhavani to resign.
Kumar has been a force for change in our program, even receiving a
stanging ovation at the recent All Volunteer Conference. Please, we ask
that you reconsider.

Thank you,
The Volunteers, RPCV's, Friends and Family of Guyana and the People of the Country of Guyana
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