The most important Thing you can do to help end the Seal Hunt is to boycott all Seafood Products , Maple Syrup, Tourism Boycott until the commercial Seal Hunt in Canada ends forever.
Fishing companies support sealing because they still believe that they'll catch more fish if they kill off the seals. This is not supported by the scientific evidence. To the contrary, the evidence shows that seals are an integral part of a healthy ecosystem.
The People who killing Seals are Off-Season Fishermen, thatswhy the best thing you can do is stop eating Fish!
Red Lobster Restaurants (owned by the Darden Group, which also owns Olive Garden and Bahama Breeze, is one of the largest purchasers of Canadian Seafood in the world.
Supermarkets Albertsons and Kroger sell canadian Seafood.
Seafood from Atlantic Canada to :
snow crab
turbot lobster
sardines cold-water shrimp
One of the major points we'd like to emphasize in regards to this boycott is the importance for ANYBODY INVOLVED IN OPPOSING the annual seal killing to realize how closely tied the fish and seafood industry is to the seal product industry. This is precisely the reason why a targeted boycott for seafood can be effective!
Some major brands and companies :
Acadian, Atlantic Pearl, Bay Shore, Blue Royal, Breakwater, Brunswick, Cape Cod, Canadian Cove, Century Seafoods, Classic (from Beothic), Clearwater, Deep Sea, Doyle, Fisherman's Finest, Fishery Products International (FPI), Fogo Island, Harbour View, Highliner Foods, Island Pride, Luxury (from Beothic), Northland, Notre Dame Seafoods, Ocean Choice, Ocean Elite, Ocean Leader, Ocean Queen, Ocean Select, Oram's Choice, Quinland, Quin-Sea, Sea Best (from Beaver Street Co.), Seafreez, Sea Fresh, St. Paul's, World Catch, and, lastly, Violet brand
Information on specific companies involved:
one of the largest seal processors, Atlantic Marine Products, is owned by the Barry Group, the largest seafood processor and exporter in Newfoundland. The Barry Group sells mostly cold-water shrimp, lobsters, snow crabs, herring, and mackerel. Two of their biggest customers are Red Lobster and Long John Silvers.
Another large fish processor is Independent Fish Harvesters, Inc., owned by a group of fishermen. This company, located in Brigus, sells frozen cooked snow crabs mostly to the Carolinas, Florida, and the West Coast of the U.S.
Another large seafood processor is Fishery Products International. They sell cooked, frozen cold-water shrimp, sometimes breaded.
Another company called Notre Dame Seafoods, Inc., located in Twillingate (tel. 709-884-1260) sells cold-water shrimp to a distributor with offices in Los Angeles and Seattle, Washington.
Seal Pelts
In the United States (as well as Russia, Taiwan, Mexico and the countries of the Eurpean Union), seal fur and other seal products cannot be imported.
Besides participating in the boycott yourself, you can help by writing letters to these companies protesting their use of seal pelts.
The Odette Leblanc Collection: They say the following about their products: "Composed of a complete line of very unique seal fur products.. Ranging from small accessories to full length coats, you will surely find the ideally suited item you've been looking for or even been dreaming about owning!"
(418) 969-9385
Petit Nord:
They sell children's seal fur hats, boots, mittens.
E-mail: Use form at
Pajar: Makes/sells sealskin boots.
4509 Coloniale Avenue
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. H2T 1V8
Tel.: 514-844-3067
Toll free: 1-888-667-2527
Fax: 514-844-3066
Seal Oil
Note that it is illegal to sell these products in the United States, because all marine mammal products, including harp seal oil and pelts, are prohibited in the U.S. thanks to the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
These capsules, as well as harp seal skins, are illegal in many other parts of the world as well, including the European Union, Russia, Taiwan, and Mexico.
Nevertheless, smuggling of seal oil capsules into the U.S. (and perhaps other countries with bans) is occurring. In most cases in the U.S., this contraband is found in Asian grocery stores. If you see seal oil capsules in the United States (sometimes marketed as marine oil capsules), please take a picture of the bottle, note the name and address of the store, and contact the NOAA Office of Law Enforcement at 1-800-853-1964 or the National Marine Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement at (301) 427-2300 or contact
Maple Syrup
Canada produces about 85 percent of the world's maple syrup, an industry that rakes in around $C213 million each year. By signing the petition, you'll be letting the Canadian government know that the country is going to get a serious hit in the wallet unless it declares an end to the seal massacre. If your local eatery is already using American maple syrup, pour it on thick (it's safe to use Aunt Jemima and Log Cabin too) and thank the owner that no seal blood was spilled for your breakfast or brinner.
Don't Visit Canada!
Write a letter to the government agencies that oversee tourism in Canada and let them know that you will cancel your travel plans or refrain from making any vacation or business plans to visit their province. Tell them that you will withhold your travel dollars until Canada permanently ends the seal slaughter:
Colleen Bowes
ACTP Secretariat
25 Queen Street
P.O. Box 2050
Charlottetown, PEI
C1A 7N7
Ph: (902) 566-1096
Fax: (902) 566-1491
Craig Foley
Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador
71 Goldstone Street (Suite 102)
St. John's, NL
A1B 5C3 Tel: (709) 722-2000 Ext 232
Please tell Prime Minister Trudeau that you boycott canadian Seafood, Maple Syrup, and that you dont visit Canada to end the Seal Hunt end forever!
Please sign the Petition and take a Moment to share it with your Friends!
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