Tell the EPA to Step up and do its Job!

The Supreme Court recently ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency can regulate heat-trapping pollution.

Now it is time for the EPA to step up and do its job.

Tell the EPA to regulate Global Warming pollution!

The science says we need only reduce our emissions by about two percent a year through mid-century to avoid a dangerous tipping point in the climate system. The longer we wait, the sharper the cuts will have to be, adding not only economic strains, but reducing the likelihood that we will be successful.

In the wake of the historic Supreme Court ruling, send a message to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson - and tell him to enact regulations on heat-trapping pollution!

Dear EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson,

The Supreme Court's recent ruling all but urges your agency to join the fight against global warming. It's time for the EPA to step up and do its job.

The first thing you can do immediately is acknowledge that California and other states have the right - some would say the obligation - to cut global warming pollution from passenger vehicles.

This is the very LEAST you can do.

Beyond that, I urge you to stop obstructing real action on global warming and instead protect America from global warming's dire consequences.

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