Elon Musk is Allowing Videos of Animals Being Brutally Tortured on Twitter!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Twitter CEO Elon Musk, Twitter Head of Trust & Safety Ella Irwin
Warning: the following content is quite graphic and may be upsetting to some readers.

But don't expect Twitter, a massive social media platform with over 230 million daily active users, to warn you or keep you safe from violent, graphic, downright traumatizing content.

Animal torture videos have been circulating on the social media site. One such video shows a kitten being placed in a blender. A person then turns the blender on, and violently kills the kitten.

What's worse is the fact that some users reported that when using Twitter's search function, they literally had the phrase "cat in a blender" suggested to them.

Twitter has the power to snuff out violence against animals, but instead it seems to be promoting it. Sign the petition to demand CEO Elon Musk and Head of Trust & Safety Ella Irwin commit to fortifying content safety and moderation on their platform!

One Twitter user found out about the video of a kitten being blended alive because her son came home from school and told her classmates had been discussing it. This is the price of Twitter's negligence -- traumatized children and endless animal suffering.

There is simply no reason this should be happening. With its massive resources, Twitter has the power to curb the spread of content promoting animal abuse. In fact, the company's former head of trust and safety claims there were perfectly sound safeguards in place to stop this kind of thing -- and the only way this could be happening is if those safeguards were removed.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk -- who is soon stepping down -- has ushered in a new era of dangerous, irresponsible practices. After acquiring Twitter in October of 2022, Musk slashed moderation and safety teams, literally opening the door for this kind of horrifying content to thrive. Other similar videos of dogs and cats being subjected to unimaginable pain and cruelty have been circulating recently.

Twitter's failure to curb these videos puts animals at risk, platforms cruel abusers and encourages copycats, and leaves users open to grisly, disturbing content. Sign the petition and demand Twitter do better! We demand more content moderation and safety efforts to protect animals and people!
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