We, the People and undersigned, now educated in the barbaric and inhumane treatment of animals being used for the fur trade around the world, firmly believe that our U.S. Congress and our Judicial System should PROMPTLY move forth on legislation introduced into Congress and enforcement of laws already in place since 1951.
No more ‘loopholes’. No more ‘excuses’. No more ‘delays’.
We as a humane society have the right to know what is in the products we purchase and that the production of such is in a humane manner concurrent with the values we as American people have regarding kindred creatures of which we are the protectorates.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. ~~~ Mahatma Gandi
Furthermore, we ask our Judicial system to enforce the Fur Products Labeling Act of 1951:
which prohibits fur products from being falsely or deceptively labeled or otherwise falsely or deceptively identified; requires a fur to be labeled properly as to the animal or animals that produced the fur, the name or companies that manufactured the fur, introduced it into commerce, advertised or offered it for sale as well as the name of the country of origin of the fur product. Violation of this law is unlawful under the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.)
Furthermore, we ask that violations of this law are given the FULL penalty of the Fur Products Labeling Act of 1951 for each and every violation as addressed in the law (guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall not be fined more than $5,000 or be imprisoned not more than one year, or both). Should the Federal Trade Commission have reason to believe any person is guilty of this violation, we ask the Attorney General to PROMPTLY cause appropriate proceedings to be brought forth for the enforcement of this law.
Greatly disappointed by our legislatures when the Truth in Fur Labeling Act of 2006 (introduced to Congress on March 8, 2006 by Rep. Mike Ferguson) was stalled in Congress at a subcommittee level since March of 2006)…
We, the People, now ask our legislatures to take IMMEDIATE action in this matter.
We, the People and undersigned, ask our Congress to PROMPTLY move forth on the Dog & Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act presented by Representative Jim Moran and Michael Ferguson to protect animals and consumers by outlawing the fur from Raccoon Dogs and requiring ALL garments trimmed with fur to be labeled, REGARDLESS of value.
We, the People, ask our Congress to close up all loopholes in this matter, allowing us as consumers to make the final decision on what we buy based upon the knowledge that we actually know what we are buying.
We, the People, advise the Congress we are dissatisfied with our choices being taken away from us in this matter due to a lack of enforcement of the 1951 law prohibiting the mislabeling of fur products.
No more ‘loopholes’. No more ‘excuses’. No more ‘delays’.
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