Protect Forests for Climate and Planetary Health

The twin crises of the coronavirus pandemic and climate change are inextricably linked to the destruction of our forests. Both are symptoms of a deeper problem: a broken relationship between people and nature. 

Deforestation was already an urgent crisis before the pandemic; Not only does it release carbon into the atmosphere, it also destroys one of our best natural defenses against climate change. Forest loss also drives wildlife and people into closer proximity, increasing the risk of infectious disease transmission. Conserving our forests is essential to both preventing future pandemics and stabilizing our climate.

Unfortunately, the global deforestation crisis has worsened under the pandemic, due to reduced enforcement of illegal logging. Now, the task ahead of us is bigger and more urgent than ever. It won't be easy, but the pandemic has taught us that we must work together to face these global challenges.

The Rainforest Alliance protects and restores the world's critically important forests through proven strategies—including sustainable agriculture, reforestation, rehabilitation of degraded land, and community forestry. The success of our international alliance depends on supporters like you. Will you raise your hand today and commit to protecting the world's forests? 

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