Australia: Only Action Will Stop Japanese Whaling, Not Just Talk

  • av:
  • mottagare: Australian Prime Minister
Each year, the Japanese whaling fleet leaves harbor on its "scientific" mission. The goal: Kill close to 1,000 whales in the Southern Ocean for "research." But the truth is, there isn't much scientific research going on during these operations. Instead, whalers use research as a loophole to hunt whales for meat and profit, some argue, in violation of international law.

Japan's whaling fleet took off in late December and plans to hunt for the next three months, potentially without much interference by aggressive conservationist groups who are under a U.S. court order to stay away from whaling ships.

Australia has been a vocal opponent of Japan's dubious whaling operations, but this year, officials declined to send a customs vessel to monitor whaling and protect people and wildlife from any conflicts that take place.

Tell the Australian Prime Minister that talk isn't enough and demand a customs vessel be dispatched to monitor sham Japanese whaling.
Dear Prime Minister,

I was pleased to hear that your government came out in opposition to Japan's dubious whaling operations, but was disappointed to hear that officials declined to dispatch a customs vessel to protect wildlife and anti-whaling activists from harm. Please reverse this decision.

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We all know Japan's whaling missions aren't really for scientific research. But talk alone won't stop the fleet and save nearly 1,000 whales from being killed this year. Please dispatch a customs vessel to monitor whaling operations and take strong diplomatic action to end Japanese whaling for good.
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