Ask Obama to Support the World's Poorest People

  • av: ONE (OLD)
  • mottagare: President Barack Obama
As president, Barack Obama will have the opportunity to save and improve millions of lives in the world's poorest countries through proven, effective and affordable solutions.

In 2007, HIV/AIDS killed 2.2 million people, 1.7 million people died from tuberculosis and malaria killed another 881,000 people. These global pandemics disproportionately affect the world's poorest people. Africa is by far the hardest hit: More than 8,000 people die every day in Africa from these three preventable and treatable diseases.

The human impact of HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria is undeniable, but their socioeconomic impact is also severe. Some estimates indicate that annual GDP growth rates in countries with high incidences of HIV/AIDS can be 2-4 percent lower than in countries with an absence of the disease. And estimates show malaria costs Africa $12 billion in lost economic growth each year.

Ask the president-elect to spread hope and dignity to those most in need through his inaugural address and presidential budget.
Dear President-Elect Obama,

In your inaugural address, please make a clear affirmation of your pledge to fight poverty and preventable diseases worldwide, and support that statement with an FY2010 budget request that puts the U.S. on track to meet your historic commitments.

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