Fight to End Hunger!

Approximately 13 million American children are at risk of hunger every day. These undernourished children are in great danger of social and educational problems.

While there are food programs in place, too often logistical barriers, lack of awareness and inadequate funding prevent many hungry children from accessing these programs and getting the assistance they need.

The Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill will ensure quality, healthy and safe meals to children every school day. Urge Congress to support the bill and make sure all our nation's children get three nutritious meals every day.

Dear [Decision Maker]:

I am writing to urge you to pass legislation that helps feed hungry children living in America. As a part of my pledge to raise awareness about childhood hunger, I'd like to let you know that too many children are going hungry this year -- we need to reauthorize childhood nutrition programs nationwide.

[Your comments will be inserted here]

Approximately 13 million American children are at risk of hunger every day. These undernourished children are in great danger of social, physical and educational problems. While there are food programs in place, too often logistical barriers, lack of awareness and inadequate funding prevent many hungry children from accessing these programs and getting the assistance they need. We need child nutrition programs that work. Better funding and policy changes could make it happen.

Please, do your part to eliminate hunger and malnutrition among American children. Cast your vote for the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act.
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