Tell Amazon to Go Green Now!

Amazon reported a net income of $33.36 billion in 2021, an increase of over $10 billion from the previous year. Its founder, Jeff Bezos, is also one of the richest men in the world. But with all that revenue, Amazon is investing little in going green.

Sign now to demand Amazon commit to carbon neutrality!

Amazon has weakly committed to carbon neutrality by the distant future of 2040 -- far past all of the carbon budget clocks that scientists have warned the world about for decades. Until then, Amazon's massive production and transportation chains will continue to fill our air, water, and entire Earth with nearly unchecked pollution.

The world's poorest will suffer the worst consequences of climate change, while Amazon executives make tens of millions per year. And we are running out of time to stop climate change's most catastrophic impacts.

Sign the petition now to tell Amazon that there is no excuse to waste time shrinking its carbon footprints. Help us put pressure on Amazon to protect the planet and go green!
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