demand an end to for profit fraudulant colleges targeting our ambitional youth i am the face of our destroyed lives

reprand and enprison these for profit fraudulat institution like salter college promised me job placement they promised my education would be accredited and it was not so i attended 4 years at salter equalling a bachelors at minimum an associates degree on med science ...ner could continue my education at the simplest community college quinsigamond college they said id have to study everything all over again to get into the registered nurse course thats 4 years of education that i earn 2013 should have earned myself an 80,ooo dollar income as a registered nursed med assistant or even paramedic for the last ten years suddenly theres aclass action suit to minimally discharge these fraudulant student loans instead im on ssi for ptsd and i lost hope and energy in being the productive part of part of society that i worked so hard to be how about atleast half of the income i would have earrned for the last ten years 40,ooo ×10 plus discharge all student fraudulents loans they criminelly possessed finessed with the use of my name destroyed my credit from the thousands of institutuo es so very interested in me thru the brilliant resume i created and have still been denied because salter college criminally targeted and used me as a commodity they could utilize and toss easily change there name so they never have to compensate me for it... make them pay every person half of the income of the highest paid job that would earned for the last ten years and let me tell 400,000 dollars wouldnt earb me back my lively hood but it could help make of for the loss of stolen human time = Human life cause they cannot give me that back can they???
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