See the Film Chasing Ice and Bring the Reality of Climate Change to Light

The ice melt off the world's glaciers is a warning sign that climate change is impacting the entire planet. But most people don't understand this warning until they see it for themselves. James Balog's incredible photos and stories bring the reality of climate change to light, and are chronicled in the new film Chasing Ice. These breathtaking images provide a visceral reminder that climate change affects us all, and that one man can make a difference in finding solutions.

Even with glaciers shrinking faster than ever before, these changes can be too slow to really see or understand. Brought to you by the producer of Academy Award®-winning The Cove, Chasing Ice's stunning images document months of changes in moments, offering a rare glimpse of the dramatic changes occurring due to climate change.

The more people who see this film, the more people will be convinced that we need to do something about climate change immediately. Take the pledge to see Chasing Ice and tell your friends to see it!

Chasing Ice begins limited release on November 9 in New York. To find showings in your area, visit
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