Abolish the Death Penalty

 We the people, revoke the governments power to kill people in the name of justice.

The death penalty does not bring closure for the victims' families.  Instead it creates more victims.

The death penalty is a violation of human rights.  It is torture that inflicts unbearable emotional pain and suffering on the condemned person and those that love them.

The emotional pain and suffering, continues for the life of the condemned family.

All governments currently engaging in any punishment that causes death are committing human rights violations.

By signing this petition, I recognize any government currently engaging in any punishment that causes death, in violation of Human Rights.

We the undersigned believe:

Justice in a civilized society is imperative.  It must applied fairly to all citizens, and must also be tempered with mercy.

Governments that use death as a form of punishment, should be stopped.

Life is a basic Human Right.  Every justice system must enforce laws and punishment, while respecting these basic Human Rights.

This petition will be presented to the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (UNHCHR).

Thank you for your support!

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