Disney and Pixar: We Would Watch/Promote A Movie About A Farmed Animal Escaping Slaughter and Going to Live A Good Life With An Autistic Girl!!

  • mottagare: Disney/Pixar

I have an idea for a Disney/Pixar movie. A piglet/calf is born on a farm. He/she lives a good life for a few months, but then his/her mom is taken to be killed, similar to how Bambi's mom was killed. The piglet/calf later learns that life is not all sunshine and rainbows and that his/her mom was killed for her meat and that that is the destined fate for all the farmed animals. So, following the advice of a bird, the animal escapes and embarks on a long and adventurous journey that sees him/her face many hardships, friendships and funny moments before finally making into the home and heart of a young girl who happens to be Autistic and can talk to animals. The piglet/calf tells her about the other animals and how they feel everything and how they are still in danger. So the girl and the animal embark on a second journey to rescue all of the animals!
What do you think?

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