Protect Cats in the AI Affected Areas in the EU
- av: Cissy Mermaid
- mottagare: Mariann Fischer Boel, Commissioner for Agriculture in the EU, The European Union; Mariann Fischer Boel, the Commissioner for Agriculture in the EU, European Union
It's been shown that the lethal avian flu can also infect cats, and they can spread it to other cats, and possibly to humans as well. We, the undersigned, ask that cats be protected from precautionary slaughter.
The avian flu killed 26 people in Asia, and led to a massive slaughter of poultry. It also infected tigers and leopards in a Thailand zoo, and housecats near Bangkok. Now the AI has also spread to several countries within the EU, and a cat has been infected in Germany. While cats can infect other cats with the virus, it is�still questionable whether they can transmit the AI to humans. We, the undersigned, ask that our feline friends be protected from precautionary slaughter and hunting, and be kept safe within the EU. We strongly condemn any killing of cats.
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