Don't Punish People for Rescuing Puppies!

  • av:
  • mottagare: New York Police Department
Candice A. Salvatore just wanted to save a starving baby pit bull she saw by abandoned train tracks in Staten Island. So she called the police to help her save the puppy before it ran off or died.

But police misunderstood her phone call as referring to a "human baby". Before she knew it, she was charged with two misdemeanors - for second-degree reckless endangerment and third-degree falsely reporting an incident.

This is ridiculous - Candice Salvatore was just trying to be a good samaritan when a misunderstanding landed her a day in court. We shouldn't punish people for trying to save puppies. Sign the petition and tell the NYPD to drop these frivolous charges against a kind-hearted person.
Dear New York Police Department,

People shouldn't be punished for trying to save puppies. Candice Salvatore was simply trying to be a good resident when she called the police to rescue a baby pit bull in her neighborhood. These actions deserve appreciation and gratitude, not a day in court.

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Drop the frivolous charges against Candice Salvatore, and stop punishing her for trying to do a good deed.

[Your Name]
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