Stand Strong Against Misleading, "Pro-Israel" Extremists

Tired of neocons, extremist evangelical Christians and right-wing Jewish leaders co-opting what it means to be "Pro-Israel?" For too long,  these have been the loudest voices in American politics when it comes to Israel and the Middle East.

Together,  we can fight for a truly "pro-Israel" perspective: real American leadership for a negotiated end to the Arab-Israeli and Palestinian-Israeli conflicts.

Let's overcome the politics of fear and support real security, peace and hope for Israel, the Palestinians and the entire Middle East.

Join with other Americans to support real security, peace, hope and a future for Israel and all its neighbors.

I pledge to:
  • Overcome the politics of fear promoted by neocons, extremists and right-wing leaders;
  • Give voice to our values of peace, security and hope to end the Arab-Israeli and Palestinian-Israeli conflicts;
  • Create the political power to promote real peace and security for Israel, the Palestinians and the entire Middle East.
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