Save Petty's Island from development

Petty's Island is in danger of being developed. This would put in harms way many endangered animals, birds and plants. The endangered Bald Eagle nests here, and they are only one example of the endangered species who call Petty Island HOME.

WE, the undersigned citizens, hereby petition our Governor, U.S. Senators, and Congress person’s to take action to preserve Petty’s Island and its endangered American Bald Eagles and other threatened and endangered species. We urge them to call on the New Jersey Natural Lands Trust and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to accept Citgo Corporation’s offer to clean up Petty’s Island and to grant a conservation easement as a free gift to the public so that the island will become permanent open space and stay home to the many animals/birds and plants that live there. We say NO to building on the island, as it would upset the natural environment found on Petty’s Island by encroaching on the habitat of the wild.

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