Stand Up Against Nestea CruelTEA

Nestea is anything but refreshing and fun for the animals who suffer for it. Nestlé, which makes Nestea, conducts and pays others to conduct painful and deadly tests on animals to investigate health claims.

Here are just some of the ways animals suffer for Nestea:

- Mice are bred to suffer from brain damage and rapid aging, then locked in a dark chamber, given painful electric shocks and killed;
- Rats are bred to have high cholesterol levels and force-fed tea extracts through tubes pushed down their throats;
- Mice are bred to suffer from muscle degeneration, then their leg muscles are cut open while they're still alive.

Animals have been poisoned, electrically shocked, surgically mutilated and decapitated for Nestea -- but there are plenty of alternatives available, including Arizona, Lipton, Tazo and Snapple. Send a message that you won't stand for cruel animal testing: Pledge to boycott Nestea.

*You can learn more about Nestea and animals testing with the video at left, but note that it contains some graphic footage.
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