Reform America's Broken Immigration System

The American immigration system is broken and hurting families, workers and the economy. What we need is a distinctly American solution, one that combines fairness, accountability, dignity and an ethic of getting things done.

It's time to stand up to the extremists who want to expel 12,000,000 hard working immigrants and fight for a practical immigration solution rooted in the restoration of the rule of law, earned citizenship, united families and fair treatment for all workers.

President Obama supports immigration reform, but only Congress has the power to pass legislation. Tell Congress: "It's time to fix the broken immigration system. Pass comprehensive immigration reform this year!"

Now is the time, this is the year -- we need our leaders to lead. Act now to help fix America's broken immigration system.
Dear Legislator,

On immigration, it's time for an American solution that combines fairness, accountability, dignity, and getting things done.

It's time to stand up to extremists who want to expel 12,000,000 hard working immigrants from our country.

It's time to fight for a practical immigration solution rooted in the restoration of the rule of law, earned citizenship, united families, and fair treatment of workers.

Now is the time, this is the year; we need our leaders to lead.

It's time to fix the broken immigration system. Please pass comprehensive immigration reform this year.

Thank you.
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