Tell the Arizona Corporation Commission: Hold Energy Companies Accountable!

The people of Arizona are getting left behind in the transition to our clean energy future. That's because one of the main government offices responsible for setting policies is NOT promoting the kind of ideas that save money and improve public health. 

Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) regulates all investor-owned gas, electric, and water utilities. The five commissioners vote on proposed rate increases and major infrastructure investment like power plants and substations. The Commission has lost touch, raising rates on captive ratepayers, discriminating against rooftop solar owners, and doubling down on dirty energy that's using up huge amounts of our limited water supplies.

Arizonans for a Clean Economy is a bipartisan coalition of local business owners and residents who believe Arizona should lead the clean energy transition. Today, we need your help to make sure the ACC does the right thing. 

Right now, the ACC is considering a policy that would eliminate the rule that requires gas utilities to look for ways to reduce costs. Gas power plants need a lot of water to operate and they spew dangerous pollution into our air. The ACC should be protecting Arizonans, not monopoly utilities.

Will you join us and add your name today, calling on the ACC to reinstate the energy efficiency rules on gas utilities?

To the Arizona Corporation Commission,

We, the undersigned, urge you to prioritize and implement policies for clean energy, energy efficiency, and building electrification. The transition to clean energy such as solar and wind power, represent a generational economic opportunity for our state. In order for utilities to take advantage of this opportunity, we need the Commission to create the rules and incentives supported by large majorities of Arizonans. By investing in renewables and energy efficiency, we can lower utility bills for hardworking Arizonans, conserve our water resources and improve air quality for a healthier future. Building electrification, which involves transitioning from fossil fuels to electric heating and cooling systems, will further reduce energy costs for hardworking Arizonans.

Arizona has abundant solar resources and the potential to lead the nation in clean energy adoption. Supporting these initiatives will drive economic growth, create jobs, and ensure a sustainable future for our state. We call on the Arizona Corporation Commission to champion these efforts and make Arizona a model for clean and efficient energy solutions.

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