Ban Fur-Farming in Sweden!

  • av: Liza Nilson
  • mottagare: Ann-Christin Nykvist, Minister of Agriculture, Swedish Government
Demand an immediate ban on fur-farming in Sweden. Save millions of animals from suffering.
Each year over one million minks, chinchillas and rabbits are raised and killed for their fur in Sweden.

The animals are kept in small, barren cages which prevents them from exercising their natural behaviour. Behavioural disorders are common, and the methods of slaughter (commonly gas and electrocution) are wholly unacceptable.

I agree with Animal Rights Sweden's (Förbundet djurens rätt) demand that fur-farming in Sweden should be banned. Raising and killing animals for their fur is not an acceptable practice in a civilized society. I believe that the Swedish Government should follow the lead of other nations, like the United Kingdom, where fur-farming is already prohibited. Please act swiftly to ban the fur-farming industry in Sweden!
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