Pledge to support Vice-President Harris in November!

President Biden has decided it is in the best interests of our democracy and our nation to step aside and let Vice-President Kamala Harris lead the Democratic ticket for the 2024 elections.

He will be remembered for selflessly doing what he believed was the right thing for his country and presiding over one of the most successful administrations in American history, and we'll always remember him as a true American hero.

Now it's time to throw our support behind Vice-President Harris and make sure that President Biden's legacy lives on — along with our democracy as we know it.

Pledge to vote for Kamala Harris!

This is, without hyperbole, the most important election in American history, because it may be the last if Donald Trump takes the White House. Everything that we hold dear, from gay marriage to abortion rights to clean air and a livable planet, to the freedom to protest and the freedom to exercise our political voices, to being able to vote at all, is at stake.

Trump's Project 2025 lays out a vision of a terrifying vision bleak, dystopian American future that we must never allow to come to pass. We must rally behind Vice-President Harris and make her the first female President in American history. Will you add your name to show your support for Kamala Harris and vow to vote for her in November?

Pledge to vote for Vice-President Harris in November!

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