Ask President Obama to Strengthen the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

When it was enacted nearly 100 years ago, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act helped end the wanton destruction of birds for the plume trade and unregulated commercial hunting that threatened to wipe bird species off the face of the earth. Now, we need to update and strengthen the law to address 21st century threats, such as oil pits, power lines, communications towers, and other deadly hazards, to save the lives of millions of birds.

Time is running out for President Obama to act. Please send a letter to urge him to take action to strengthen the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

To President Barack Obama: 

I urge you to move forward with rules to strengthen the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA).

Approximately one hundred years ago, the MBTA helped end the wanton destruction of birds for the plume trade and unregulated commercial hunting that threatened to wipe bird species off the face of the earth. Today, we have the same obligation to protect migratory bird species from modern threats like unmanaged oil waste pits and power lines built without simple design adjustments to prevent bird deaths.

To do so, it is vital that you clarify the definition of 'incidental take' under the MBTA and that you establish a framework and appropriate standards for permits that allows these threats to be addressed. Not only will countless birds benefit as a result, but it will also provide greater certainty and clarity for the regulated community.

Adopting practical and inexpensive solutions that address 21st century threats could save the lives of millions of birds. Proceeding with this rulemaking is a critical step toward achieving these needed changes and leaving the world a better place for birds and for all of us that enjoy their daily presence.

Thank you for considering my request.

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