End Violence Against Women

Violence is a threat to all women.

1 in 3 women around the world will experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, and this threat is greatest in areas of conflict, where women face oppression and sexual abuse - every minute of every day.

Prevention of violence against women begins by creating a culture of non-violence. And true societal change requires a critical mass of individuals and institutions who are willing to stand up for women's rights and speak out against abuse.

That's why Women for Women International is providing women who have experienced unthinkable trauma with a 12-month holistic program of vocational skills, health and well-being counseling, and advocacy training that allows them to provide for themselves, heal, and defend their rights.

Sign your name to join Women for Women International and take a stand to prevent violence against women!

Photo Credit: Ryan Carter
After more than a year of brutal rapes and beatings in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Honorata escaped. But her ordeal was not over. Her husband refused to take her in because she was "a disgrace to the family."

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