Help Haiti's Animals Recover From Earthquake

  • av:
  • mottagare: President Obama and former President Clinton
The recent earthquake near Port-au-Prince left thousands of people and animals homeless, injured, and in need of help. Haiti is an impoverished country lacking animal shelters and welfare programs. It is also home to many animals.

These animals require emergency aid, including shelter, fresh water, and food. Experienced animal rescue workers need to be brought in to rescue and manage Haiti's animals in this catastrophe. During Katrina, many people were forced to separate from their companion animals and packs of homeless dogs formed in the streets. This caused more danger and suffering for both the people and animals of New Orleans.

The events of Hurricane Katrina showed what a tragedy it is when animals are not cared for during disasters--don't let those mistakes happen in Haiti. Tell President Obama and former President Clinton, U.S. ambassador to Haiti, to coordinate with animal welfare groups and include them in Haiti relief efforts.
Dear President Obama and former President Clinton,

The recent earthquake near Port-au-Prince left thousands of people and animals homeless, injured, and in need of help. Haiti is an impoverished country lacking animal shelters and welfare programs. It is also home to many animals.

These animals need emergency aid, including shelter, fresh water, and food. Experienced animal rescue workers need to be brought in to rescue and manage Haiti's animals in this catastrophe. During Katrina, many people were forced to separate from their companion animals and packs of homeless dogs formed in the streets. These situations caused more danger and suffering for both the people and animals of New Orleans.

The events of Hurricane Katrina showed what a tragedy it is when animals are not cared for during disasters--don't let those mistakes happen in Haiti. Coordinate with animal welfare groups and include them in Haiti relief efforts.
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