Have a Heart for Kids

Early education prepares children for a lifetime of learning.  

But millions across the U.S. are missing out. Unable to afford or access high-quality child care, countless parents are forced to make impossible choices – and children without those high-quality early learning experiences could start kindergarten up to 18 months behind. 

This Valentine's season, tell lawmakers: Every child deserves a bright future. Have a heart and invest in early learning! 

To whom it may concern: 

Early education prepares kids for a lifetime of learning – but millions never get that opportunity.  

That's because 50% of our nation's families live in child care deserts, and high-quality care costs more than in-state college tuition in most of the U.S. In an October 2023 survey, 80% of parents looking for child care reported difficulty finding it, with more than 4 in 5 saying it impacts their ability to work. 

Kids across the country are missing out on high-quality early education during the most crucial window of brain development, which could leave them significantly behind their peers by the time they start kindergarten.   

As an advocate for children, I urge you to fight for robust funding for early childhood education in the appropriations bill. We must invest in critical programs like Head Start and Early Head Start, Child Care Development Block Grants (CCDBG) and Preschool Development Grants (PDG), which support low-income families and help states improve early learning programs. 

Child care is unaffordable and inaccessible in the U.S., but it doesn't have to be. Have a heart and prioritize early childhood education in the appropriations bills – because the earlier a child starts learning, the brighter their future will be!

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