Conservatives: Remove FATCA from the Budget Bill

  • av: NDP
  • mottagare: Stephen Harper's Conservatives
It's time for the Conservatives to listen to Canadians' concerns about the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and remove it from Budget Bill C-31.

FATCA, which is currently buried in the Conservatives' 359-page omnibus bill, would grant the Minister of National Revenue sweeping powers to make any regulation necessary to carry out the agreement.

There are also serious concerns about the potential violation of privacy and constitutional rights, as well as unknown costs to Canadians.

There's no excuse for burying this agreement - an American law that threatens the rights of more than a million Canadians - inside a 359-page omnibus bill. Tell Harper's Conservatives: FATCA must be removed from the budget so it can be properly scrutinized.
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