Don't Hold the Middle Class Hostage to Give Millionaires Tax Breaks

Republicans in Congress want to give millionaires and billionaires even more tax breaks. And they're willing to play politics and hold America's economic health hostage in order to do it.

We must not balance the budget on the backs of seniors, women and people with disabilities.

House Republicans are clearly willing to exploit the debt crisis to cut Medicare, Social Security, and other vital programs while the most wealthy among us sacrifice nothing to balance the budget.

Social Security and Medicare are vital programs that Americans pay into with the knowledge that they will receive the rightful services they are entitled to.

We need to protect the American middle class. Let Speaker Boehner and the House Republicans know they can't hold the economy hostage to give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires.
We must not balance the budget on the backs of seniors, women and people with disabilities.

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I am shocked that you seem willing to exploit the debt crisis to cut Medicare, Social Security, and other vital programs while the most wealthy among us sacrifice nothing to balance the budget.

Social Security and Medicare are vital programs that Americans pay into with the knowledge that they will receive the rightful services they are entitled to.

Protect the American middle class: don't hold the economy hostage to give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires.
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