Justice For Military Dogs

While being trained for military purposes this past fall, several dozen dogs were left neglected when a deal with a private security contractor did not go through as planned. Three dogs at the training facility were left dead, others were found with severe health conditions.

This discovery is not the first of its kind, as the mistreatment of dogs in training happens all too often. It seems that the military is relying too heavily on outside vendors to take on jobs that should be handled internally. We must not leave these innocent dogs in the hands of cruel, harmful people.

Over the past several months the remaining dogs have finished training and found new homes -- yet this situation could have been prevented. Tell the military to take care of our service dogs and protect them from neglectful trainers like this. Do not let this crime go unpunished.

Dear Secretary Gates,

I am writing this letter to ask that the incident at the training facility in Chicago does not go unnoticed or unpunished. May justice be served for these 49 dogs who were neglected, and put an end to this abuse.

In order for this pattern of neglect to cease, please use caution when seeking outside help for the training of service animals. It is important they are no longer in the care of those who are harmful. Show that this behavior is not acceptable by enforcing action against those who imposed neglect upon those dogs.

Please learn from this incident and make a change to ensure the better treatment of all service dogs.
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