Animal Cruelty videos are creating more Innocent Victims! Instagram/Facebook has a responsibility to ban these videos!

    Our world is changing, slowly but, dramatically, for the truly, Innocent Victims-those whom cannot speak for Themselves-the Voiceless.
    INSTAGRAM/FACEBOOK has a responsibility to end these horrifically, cruel videos which are creating more and more (non-human)Animal Victims. We frequently, make reports with the actual videos to Instagram (IG)/Facebook(FB) and, I have been told, thank you for your report however, these do not violate IG' s Guidelines yet, I have been warned that my captions concerning said videos on my posts DO violate IGs Guidlines. In fact, I was warned that many of my posts, long before this Covid_19 crisis, which criticized China for their horrific 'Wet Marts', and, the 'The Yulin Dog-Eating Festival' which is celebrated each & every June, "do violate INSTAGRAM'S Guidlines" and, "you must stop offending the Republic of China"!! IG then notified me that certain hashtags re: China would be removed and, in fact, they were removed.

    Hence, my request for help w/this petition, pls?!
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