Demand the City Council, County, State, and Federal agencies prevent construction of Creosote plant in Scott City, MO!

A company is planning on starting construction on a new creasote tie treatment plant here in Scott City, Mo on a 10 acre lot directly on Main Street. As many already know this will be horrible for our town with issues such as major odors, a major health risk for our community (creosote is known to be linked to cancer), possible groundwater contamination, decreased home values, and if a fire ever erupted at this facility a partial or full evacuation or our town would more than likely happen.

City council states this area is zoned for light commercial use. This plant is planning on treating over a million ties a year, this sounds like large industrial, not light industrial. Several local business, contractors, and citizens are all onboard to put a stop to this plant coming to our town...... As we always say and preach to our kids in school at games etc.........”we are SC”, and we need to stand together as a community as one and put a stop to this!

More information on Creosote

Another city that currently has a creasote plant in their town

If you wish to voice your opinion in stopping, and preventing this company from building this facility in our town of Scott City, MO please sign this petition to help show support to our government to ask for assistance in preventing this!

Recent update: A local resident has voiced their concern that Amerities is not the company coming to town, its North American Tie & Timber wanting to expand in our town. This name difference maybe the case we cannot confirm this for sure, but we can state the following facts: 1. The property name is registered to North American Tie & Timber, LLC. 2. This company has told city representatives that they could come to Hope Arkansas to look at creasote plant that is registered to Amerities, LLC. 3. If you call the number 405-359-3235 for Amerities or 405-848-1800 for North American Tie & Timber they both can provide you names and contact information immediately on the phone for the other company. Also both LLCs are Registered in Oklahoma, one with a physical address, and another with a P.O. box. This leads us to assume they are associated somehow. At the end of the day we are not trying to slander anyone because the name of the facility means absolutely nothing to us. Whichever Companys official name is wishing to open a creasote plant in Scott City, Mo needs to be stopped dead in its tracks, end of story!
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
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