No Tax Dollars for Horse Slaughter Plants

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Your US Senators

A ban on using taxpayer dollars for inspections of horse slaughter plants is about to expire and I need your help to save it — and the horses it protects.

In 2007, Congress prohibited the United States Department of Agriculture from paying for horse meat inspections. The ban has already made a big difference. Advocates say that the moratorium, along with local court rulings, has already closed two horse slaughter plants, saving the lives of horses that would otherwise have been slaughtered for meat. 

The good news is that a key Senate committee has narrowly advanced spending legislation that would continue the ban. Unfortunately, the full Senate has yet to vote and we need to speak out to maintain protections for horses.

We cannot ignore the welfare of these horses and must continue our efforts to protect them from slaughter. Current laws work to do just that and prevent the opening of new horse slaughter plants throughout the United States, but this bill is due to expire in September unless we as a people with a voice take action now.

We must ensure the ban continues and prevent this cruel and environmentally devastating industry from establishing roots throughout the United States.  You can help with this critical concern by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own ideas, thoughts and comments.

Help prevent horse slaughter. Urge the Senate to continue to prohibit the use of tax dollars for horse slaughter.


I strongly urge you to support language in the FY2017 Agriculture Appropriations bill that would maintain the current ban on the use of taxpayer dollars for horsemeat inspections. Unless you act, the current ban will expire in September 2016. 

[Your comments here]

Please support language to continue the ban and prevent this cruel and environmentally devastating industry from establishing roots throughout the United States.


Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Current signatures and comments have been forwarded to U. S Congress & Senators. Thank you for being a voice for these animals and supporting this issue.
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