We need more clinical research for heart disease and stroke for women

As women, we face unique risk factors for heart disease and stroke at different points in our lives.

While aging increases risk for heart disease and stroke, women face unique risk factors at every life stage. Estrogen's protective effect on women's heart and brain health fluctuates at different life stages, resulting in unique risk factors. Knowing your risks is the first step in managing them.

Did you know...

  • The #1 cause of premature death of women in Canada is heart disease and stroke.
  • 89% of women are unaware of their risk factors.
  • High blood pressure gets worse in women as they age.
  • 2/3 of heart disease and stroke clinical research has focused on men, but we are working to change that.

Risk factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, depression, polycystic ovarian syndrome, systemic inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, chronic kidney disease, breast cancer treatment, and pregnancy related disorders or complications.

Together we can beat health inequity, manage risk factors and save more women – maybe you, or someone you love. Change starts with becoming aware and getting involved. Know your risks, know the signs, take charge of your health.

Sign to support the research and prevention of heart disease and stroke in women.
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