Tell Morning Joe hosts to stop normalizing Trump by meeting with him and pretending he’s a normal president

After vociferously criticizing Trump during the campaign, and explaining how dangerous it would be to put him back in the White House, MSNBC "Morning Joe" co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough did a 180 and announced that they had flown to Mar-a-Lago to meet with Trump to "re-start communications."  And then they talked about it as if it were a friendly chat with a normal president.  

But Trump is not a normal president. He is a wannabe fascist dictator who has threatened to jail reporters and put their companies out of business.  And when journalists like Joe and Mika go to Mar-a-Lago to kiss his ring and treat him like royalty, they implicitly endorse his behavior and surrender to him before he has even taken office.

This is the moment when journalists need to stick together and fight against Trump's attacks on the first amendment.  It is not the time to kiss his rear end, appease him, and let him win the war without a fight.  

Add your name: Tell Morning Joe hosts to stop normalizing Trump by meeting with him and pretending he's a normal president.

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