Tell the Bush Administration to protect our water!


When Congress passed the Clean Water Act, the bipartisan law was intended to protect our nation's waters from the harmful effects of pollution. Now, the Bush Administration is working to unravel 30 years of protections under this landmark, bipartisan law.

In January, 2003 the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers published a proposal that is the first step in severely limiting the ability of the Clean Water Act to protect many of our nation's waters. This Bush Administration rollback will lead to significantly more pollution & accelerated loss of wildlife habitat and pose significant threats to human and environmental health.

This new proposal would make it easier for polluting industries and developers to contaminate or destroy non-navigable wetlands, streams, and ponds. Pollution dumped into the upper reaches of watersheds not only damages and destroys those smaller -- but still ecologically vital -- aquatic habitats, but ends up harming lakes, rivers and coastal waters downstream as well.

This latest rollback follows the Bush Administration's pattern of putting corporate polluter's interest before the public's interest in a clean, healthy environment.


Sign this petition and tell the Bush Administration to put the public's interest in a clean environment before the interest of corporate polluters. Tell them not to reverse 30 years of progress and instead make sure that the Clean Water Act continues to protect all of our nation's waters. Sign now!

I strongly oppose EPA's efforts to eliminate Clean Water Act protections for many of the nation's waters, including streams, wetlands, small ponds and other waters. I urge you not to continue with your announced rulemaking, to rescind the accompanying guidance and to make sure that all of the nation's waters remain protected by the Clean Water Act as they have been for the last 30 years. The proposal and guidance are in direct conflict with the original intent of the Clean Water Act -- to protect all waters of the United States.

Limiting the scope of the Clean Water Act will have devastating effects. Removing essential federal safeguards against destruction and degradation will:

  • place community water supplies at risk
  • result in more polluted streams, rivers and coastal waters
  • increase flooding, as destroyed wetlands will no longer be able to absorb flood waters, and
  • harm endangered and threatened wildlife species - 43 percent of which rely on wetlands for survival.

    Please do not to go forward with any rulemaking proposal to limit the scope of the Clean Water Act and hinder the ability of communities nationwide to safeguard their valuable water resources.

    The Undersigned.

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