TripAdvisor profits from cruelty to wild animals. We need you to demand that they stop.

Tourist attractions promoting elephant rides and shows are one of the many types of cruel wildlife entertainment venues TripAdvisor profits from.

But what they don't advertise is the unseen torture of elephants used in these attractions, or the way they're poached from the wild and beaten into submission.

Wild animals don't carry tourists around or perform tricks because they want to. They have to be chained, tortured, drugged – broken.

World Animal Protection believe that wild animals belong in the wild – not in entertainment.

You have a change to help.

We need your support now!

Trip Advisor's influence on the tourism industry is immense. Their ticket sales, Popularity Index ranking and Certificate of Excellence scheme all contribute to the promotion of these cruel attractions. They should award positive wildlife venues instead.

Your voice matters. TripAdvisor is the world's largest travel site. A positive change at this level of the supply chain could ensure a bright, happy future for hundreds of thousands of wild animals.

Please sign today and tell TripAdvisor to do the right thing.

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