We are all world citizens and were shocked to see how the Dogs are treated and killed in China, as you can see directly from this video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVsnHAf8NA0&feature=youtu.be
We do not need words, because we don’t have any word, to comment on the brutality and ferocity of what we saw, and we don’t have the courage and strength to review the video twice.
The DOG is always considered, by all civilizations, man's best friend and it never hesitated to sacrifice its life for men.
For this and other many reasons, we want all together to make our voices heard until this senseless cruelty is stopped, the dogs’ dignity, as well as that of any living being is respected. This will be sent an official note by the European Commission and US Goverment to the Chinese Government because this brutal and uncivilized practice will be stopped immediately.
These dogs and cats live in tiny cages above the ground all their lives. They are separated from their mothers at an early age and some are slaughtered as pups; they do not feel what walking on the ground is like; they cannot mingle with other dogs other than those in cages beside them; they suffer summer heat and freezing winters outdoors; they are not given water; they have to eat the corpse of the dogs who did not make it; they get no exercise; they have been known to have their eardrums burst to prevent them from barking--every natural instinct they have is thwarted by the inhumane and tortuous conditions they must live under.
They are loaded into crates so cramped tight and stacked on top of one another that their bones break and when being transported they are thrown and slammed to the ground off of the the trucks resulting in injuries and sometimes death.
These dogs are skinned alive, boiled alive, beaten, pounded to the ground or burned to death. There is a perverted belief that the meat tastes better if dogs have high adrenaline levels in their meat before they die. Therefore, some dogs are made to experience extreme fear and suffering in the lead up to their deaths. Some are hanged and then a blow torch is used on them while they are still alive to remove their hair. Others still are simply beaten and tortured to death.
Their animals are treated with such brutality and ferocity as you can see directly from this video links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVsnHAf8NA0&feature=youtu.be
The letter below will also be sent. God bless you all for signing and sharing.
Julie Jo
Dear Mr. President,
As your voter it is my deepest concern that in your country dogs and cats are being farmed and raised for human consumption and their fur. We are all world citizens and are shocked to see how the dogs are treated and killed in your country with such brutality and ferocity as you can see directly from this video links:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVsnHAf8NA0&feature=youtu.be
These dogs live in tiny cages above the ground all their lives. They are separated from their mothers at an early age and some are slaughtered as pups; they do not feel what walking on the ground is like; they cannot mingle with other dogs other than those in cages beside them; they suffer summer heat and freezing winters outdoors; they are not given water; they have to eat the corpse of the dogs who did not make it; they get no exercise; they have been known to have their eardrums burst to prevent them from barking--every natural instinct they have is thwarted by the inhumane and tortuous conditions they must live under.
They are loaded into crates so cramped tight and stacked on top of one another that their bones break and when being transported they are thrown and slammed to the ground off of the the trucks resulting in injuries and sometimes death.
These dogs are stabbed, beaten, their heads slammed to the ground, burned alive, skinned alive and boiled alive. There is a perverted belief that the meat tastes better if dogs have high adrenaline levels in their meat before they die. Therefore, some dogs are made to experience extreme fear and suffering in the lead up to their deaths. Some are hanged and then a blow torch is used on them while they are still alive to remove their hair. Others still are simply beaten and tortured to death.
Dog meat has been linked to salmonella and staph infections, and a number of people die every year from eating dog meat. Dog farms and dog slaughterhouses do not have proper sewage disposal systems and pollute the soil and water therefore ending in spreading diseases in your country. I am sure you do not want the continual spread of disease onto your citizens.
We have a petition with almost 30,000 signatures. I believe that says something.
I trust that upon examination of the above facts you will agree that it is in the best interest of the Chinese Government to These dogs are stabbed, beaten, their heads slammed to the ground, burned alive, skinned alive and boiled alive.
Yours faithfully,
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