Tell Cameron: Save Syrian Lives

Four years into the conflict in Syria, the country remains in chaos.

More than 11.6 million people inside Syria are now in urgent need of water and nearly 10 million people do not have enough to eat.

Sign now to ask David Cameron to use his position on the UN Security Council to save Syria.

The unanimous adoption of UN Security Council resolution 2139 in February 2014 brought with it much needed hope for people in Syria and across the Middle East. The resolution called for an urgent increase in access to humanitarian aid in Syria and demanded that all parties immediately cease attacks against civilians and lift sieges of populated areas.

The resolution has failed. In the year since it passed:
  • 76,000 people lost their lives, including thousands of children;
  • 2.4 million people were forced to flee their homes; and
  • only 57% of the money needed to help support the people of Syria was provided by the international community.

The UN Security Council promised to take further steps if attacks continued, but it has yet to take action in the face of escalating violence and destruction.

Tell Cameron: It is your responsibility as a world leader on the UN Security Council to ensure its resolutions are fully implemented. Save Syria now.
Dear Prime Minister Cameron,

In Syria there are daily attacks, from groups on all sides, hitting schools, hospitals and other residential areas. In February 2014, the UN Security Council demanded that indiscriminate attacks in Syria stop. It promised to take further steps if these attacks continued. As the violence gets worse, please use your power to hold the UN Security Council to its word.

We call on you to:

  • Boost the humanitarian response - fully fund the aid response and ensure refugees seeking safety find asylum, including through increased resettlement for the most vulnerable

  • Stop attacks on civilians - send an unequivocal message to parties to the conflict that attacks on civilians and blocks to aid will not be tolerated;

  • Prioritize a political solution with human rights at the heart: a halt to the suffering can only be achieved if negotiations - whether local or international - include safeguards to ensure respect for international humanitarian and human rights law.

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Satellite images show that three-quarters of Syria's lights have been extinguished since the war began – plunging streets, homes and hospitals into darkness. Do not leave the Syrian people in darkness. Please act now to turn the lights back on.


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